Sunday, May 11, 2008

Joan Crawford - Being Clever

We have featured Joan a few times on this blog, but I thought this four page spread from the Movie Mirror, January 1933, was worth sharing. The spread focuses on Joan's "private life" fashions, and if for nothing else, the line "These are the clothes Joan wears, not in her pictures, but when she is being the clever Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.", makes this post work for me. I'm guessing the distaff readers have similar leisure wardrobes. Enjoy and click on the pictures for a larger view.

Striking a few poses around the house

A bit severe on the left - don't cross her today Doug

It's all about the neckline

Classic Joan

Here is a recently acquired postcard - She looks pretty clever here too.

Joan Crawford - What do you think - Allure?


La Fiancée disparue said...

Wow! Those are wonderful... thanks for sharing them! ♥


Feta said...

Allure, indeed. Copious amounts of allure.

Anonymous said...

Joan Crawford oozed allure!
She seemed to love the 'hands on hip' pose,alot...

The Siren said...

These are fantastic. You know, Joan is one of those stars who probably did hang around the house in outfits like those. She was always on, was Joan.